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Do Gummy Vitamins Work?

Do Gummy Vitamins Work?

Gummy vitamins are tasty, easier to take, and easier to digest. Plus, they come in fun shapes, flavors, and colors! But do gummy vitamins work? And are gummy vitamins as effective as traditional tablet or softgel vitamins? Read on to find out!

  • Gummy vitamins have become popular with both kids and adults
  • They pack in a variety of essential vitamins and minerals, making them a great way to fill in nutrient gaps
  • Gummies have both advantages and disadvantages compared to traditional vitamins such as softgels or tablets
  • Gummy vitamins make a great option for many people, including people who have difficulty swallowing pills, picky eaters, those with nutrient gaps, and people who forget to take their vitamins

Do Gummy Vitamins Really Work?

In a nutshell, yes, gummy vitamins work. Just like traditional vitamins such as tablets or softgels, gummy vitamins pack in essential vitamins and minerals your body needs. The body requires 13 vitamins and at least 16 minerals essential to your health. Your body needs these important nutrients for a multitude of functions ranging from growth and development to reproduction. Vitamins and minerals help convert food into energy, help build strong bones and teeth, support vision, support muscle health, provide antioxidant benefits, regulate bodily processes, support your immune system, and provide many other health benefits.

Are gummy vitamins effective? While they’re as effective as traditional vitamins in delivering key nutrients, there are some disadvantages—including the fact that it’s harder for manufacturers to get as many vitamins and minerals in gummies.

Just like choosing any other supplement, do your research when selecting a gummy vitamin — read the label, look at the ingredients and supplement facts, and check the recommended dosages. You can also review the most current nutrition guidelines from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to see what vitamins and minerals you should be getting from a balanced, nutritious diet. Once you know what nutrients you might be lacking in your diet (such as Vitamin D or Omega-3s), then you’ll have a better idea what to look for in a gummy.

Do gummy vitamins work as well as capsule (softgels) or tablet vitamins? Check out the chart below, followed by a more detailed explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of taking gummy vitamins.

What Are The Advantages of Gummy Vitamins?

The advantages of taking gummy vitamins over traditional vitamins include the following:

• They’re convenient. No need to drink water. Just pop a gummy in your mouth and chew!

They taste good. Many people gravitate towards gummy vitamins because they’ve got a great flavor. It almost feels like you’re eating a tasty treat.

• They’re easier to take. Some people really struggle when it comes to swallowing vitamins or pills. Rather than swallowing a tablet, capsule, or softgel, gummies can be chewed—making it a pleasurable habit rather than a possibly unpleasant task. This can be especially helpful when trying to get kids to take their vitamins.

• They’re easier to digest. Some people get nauseous when taking traditional vitamins. Also, tablets contain a binding agent used to hold them together, making them harder to digest, while gummy vitamins are easier to digest, as you chew them in your mouth which starts the digestive process.

They help establish the “vitamin habit.” Because gummy vitamins taste good and are easier (and more enjoyable) to take, people are more likely to remember to take them every day. This beats skipping vitamins because you simply forgot to take them.

They fill in nutritional gaps. For people who don’t consistently eat a nutritious, well-balanced diet, gummy vitamins may help provide those missing nutrients.

Gummy Vitamins
Traditional Vitamins (capsules/softgels, or tablets)
ConvenientMust drink with water or other liquid
Taste goodMinimal to no taste
Easier to takeCan be difficult for some to swallow
Easier to digestTake longer to digest
Help establish the “vitamin habit”Can be harder to remember to take every day
Fill in nutritional gapsFill in nutritional gaps
Might not contain as many nutrientsOften contain more nutrients
Might not contain any or as many mineralsOften contain minerals
Contain sugarContain minimal to no sugar
Less shelf-stable and may degrade quickerLonger shelf life

Gummy Vitamin Q&A

Q: Do gummy vitamins dissolve in your stomach?

A: Because you’ll be chewing a gummy vitamin (or letting it dissolve in your mouth), it will be broken down before reaching the stomach—one of the reasons it’s easier to digest. This also means your body will likely be absorbing the vitamins quicker than if it had to wait for a tablet to dissolve.

Q: What happens if you eat too many gummy vitamins?

A: Just like consuming too many traditional vitamins, taking too many gummy vitamins can cause problems. Because the body does not store water-soluble vitamins (such as Vitamins B and C), any “leftovers” leave the body through the urine. 7 However, fat-soluble vitamins (such as Vitamins A, D, E, and K) get stored in the body and aren’t good to consume in large doses. And minerals can be
problematic in large doses, too. Consuming excess vitamins and minerals can cause a range of side effects, ranging from headache to nausea and loss of appetite.

Q: Do vitamins and supplements actually do anything?

A: Yes, vitamins and supplements work! Supplements can be part of a healthy lifestyle to ensure you’re not missing out on the daily vitamin and mineral requirements essential for good health. Since supplements provide many health benefits—from supporting digestion and eye function to maintaining heart health and strong bones, vitamins in any form can help offset a poor diet and close nutrient gaps. They can also benefit people with difficulty absorbing certain nutrients, help those with increased nutrient needs (think vegans, performance athletes, and pregnant women), and when in a gummy form, work much better for people who have trouble swallowing pills.

The Bottom Line

As always, it’s best to get the vitamins and minerals you need by eating a healthy, balanced diet filled with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy. But taking gummy vitamins may benefit certain people, including kids (or adults!) who are picky eaters as well as anyone who struggles with nutrient deficiency or absorption issues, or has increased nutrient needs (such as pregnant women). Not to mention, most people do not get all the nutrients their body needs from their diet alone. Do gummy vitamins actually work? Yes, though taking vitamins in this form has advantages.


1. Pharmacy Times. “Vitamins and Minerals Explained.” June 22, 2015. 2. HelpGuide. “Vitamins and Minerals: Are You Getting What You Need?” Adapted from Making Sense of Vitamins and Minerals, a special health report published by Harvard Health Publishing. 2019. 3. U.S. Department of Agriculture. “2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.” December 2020. Accessed on: July 12, 2021. 4. Cleveland Clinic. “Get Nauseous After Taking Vitamins? 6 Tips to Make Them Easier to Stomach.” May 21, 2019. 5. Time Magazine. “Do Gummy Vitamins Work? Here’s What Experts Say.” November 10, 2020. 6. Cleveland Clinic. “Do Gummy Vitamins Work as Well as Traditional Vitamins?” May 14, 2021.. 7. Medline. “Vitamins.” February 26, 2021. Accessed on: July 12, 2021. 8. Tufts University. “Safe Upper Levels for Vitamins and Minerals: What You Need to Know.” February 6, 2020.

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